Friday, March 9, 2012

The day the cammmmera died.

I have sad news- our camera seems to have bit the dust!  Yesterday it decided that zooming was just too much, and refused to function on any level after my attempt to zoom in on some crazy mountain goat things inside the National Gardens in Athens.  I guess I will just have to learn to describe things really well with my words!

Today we will leave Athens and explore the main land of Greece for a few days before working our way across the Islands on our way back to Turkey.  It is a good thing we are leaving the city, because we have probably eaten our weight in delicious pastries, chocolates, and other baked delights in the past two days.  We have had a glorious time wandering through the streets with no real destination in mind other than the next bakery, which was never more than a few blocks from the last!  We walked for hours, exploring the Acropolis, walking around Piraeus Port, walking through the lovely little neighborhood- Hiraklios- which we are staying in with a couchsurfer. 

We are clearly no longer in the middle east- it is amazing what such a relatively small difference in distance can make in the feel of a place. There are not mounds of garbage everywhere, cab drivers don't holler at you constantly and follow you as you walk, I don't feel uncomfortable walking alone on the street, and when you sit down in a restaurant, they serve you water- free!  It is cool to experience these differences, and to recognize them.  It is also cool to think about the constants that exist regardless of where you are- people are generally kind, and when approached with a smile are happy to help you.  Parents are proud of their children, and like to tell about them.  The most delicious food comes from the most unimpressive looking places :)

Off we go!

1 comment:

  1. As you can see by more recent posts, the camera decided to un-die! How kind of it. It has a lot of personality for a piece of technology!
